Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Busy Doctor

Recently, my wife showed jaundice. It is the yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. I assessed the situation and looked for more symptoms and figured out that the problem was her current medicine which increased her liver enzymes. Just to be sure, we went to a doctor referred by her sister. We told him the symptoms before asking if it could possibly be her medicine and he immediately dismissed it because he "has not yet encountered a case like that so it is impossible." I immediately didn't like him because it doesn't mean that if you didn't see it happen, it doesn't mean that it is impossible to happen. He also does not know that the drug she was taking had a rare side effect of exactly what i suspected, increased liver enzymes. He ordered this 3 thousand pesos set of tests. The next day, we went back and he was so puzzled that it was showing elevated liver enzymes but no signs of his suspected infection. Mind you, he prescribed more of the drug i figured out was the culprit. Of course i told my wife not to take them. After ordering more tests (costing 9000 pesos) he had the gall to bill us another 500 for the consultation. I went along with it to give my wife some peace of mind even though my asking her to stop taking the medicine produced the result of normalization of her urine and lessened jaundice. The second set of tests came out to be negative (which supports my diagnosis) and i told her not to go back to that doctor because he will just be as dumbfounded as the last meeting and might order more tests and bill us again for nothing.

I later found out that this doctor was focusing more on his business. This explains why he doesn't know about the side effects of the drugs he prescribes. He was probably one of those doctors who went into medicine thinking about money and not about helping people. Later on, he realized that there wasn't a lot of money in philippine medicine so he got discouraged but it was too late for him to change careers.

Anyway, i almost want to go back just to see what he will do next given that his "impossible event" is the only thing that explains my wife's symptoms and lab results.
