Sunday, November 9, 2014

Wrong Country

I think that i am living in the wrong country. Earlier i saw an unfamiliar car park in a neighbor's car slot. I felt that it was wrong so i reported it to the guard. I told my wife that i might have a problem letting something wrong be even when it doesn't have anything to do with me. My amazing wife said that i shouldn't lose that but i should choose which battles to fight. I would make a good politician but my wife doesn't want to be with a politician.

In japan, when an official fails in something, they resign because they feel that it is the honorable thing to do. Honor. Decency. It is hard to find these in officials or leaders these days. It is also hard to find it in some teachers and individuals.

In South Korea, the Safety officer committed suicide when 16 people died in a concert incident. Here, theives get elected to office. Here a low life teacher commits extortion from his students and he gets away with it.

Perhaps in time, more and more people will try to serve with decency and live lives with honor. I can hope. I can encourage. I can fight.
